Beretta 9mm
Beretta 9mm

beretta 9mm

There are models available with beefed-up slides, such as the Elite II and the Brigadier. There have also been slightly more compact models produced, such as the Centurion and the Model 92 Compact. 40 S & W which is known as the Beretta Model 96. The Stainless Steel version is called the “Inox.” The other common caliber offered is the. Many variations have been introduced over the years. The Model 92 is the flagship pistol of Beretta. Beretta added a slide retaining device to the 92FS models to keep the slide on the frame if it suffers a fracture.


The cracked slides were later attributed to high-pressure lots of 9mm ball ammunition. It later was stigmatized by stories of cracked slides that caused facial injuries to U.S.

beretta 9mm

Military in 1985 after controversial pistol trials. It became the standard pistol for the U.S. The Beretta 92 Series was introduced in 1975 and owes its creation to multiple Italian designers.


The weapon may be carried with the manual safety on or off depending on the circumstances. When the shooting has abated, the pistol’s hammer may be decocked by manipulating a slide-mounted safety lever downward. Subsequent shots are fired single action after the hammer is cocked by the reciprocating slide. The first round is discharged by pulling a long, double action first shot. It is a “safe” method of carrying a round in the chamber with the hammer down in a relaxed position. The Beretta 92’s double/single action trigger mechanism was modeled after Germany’s Walther P-38. The Beretta 92 sports a double column magazine that holds 15 rounds of 9mm Luger. It inherited a unique, open-top slide design that is intended to reduce “stove-pipe” jams where spent cartridge cases get hung up in the ejection port of conventional pistols. The Beretta 92 Series is derived from the lineage of the Beretta 1934 and Beretta 1951 models. The KJ Works M9 is a satisfying replica of the Beretta M9/92FS 9mm that captures the look and handling qualities of the genuine article. I have been delighted with an Airsoft Pistol that closely duplicates the real pistol in both form and function. As an adult, one of the must have firearms in my collection is a Beretta 92FS that I purchased new in 2006. During that same decade, it became the standard sidearm for the U.S. It was a co-star of many films for my generation. Coming of age as an American boy in the 1980’s, there was no more iconic handgun than the Beretta 9mm.

Beretta 9mm