Yes, Geminis are loyal to their partners in marriage. Geminis are most likely to find their soulmate in the sign of Libra, Leo, Aquarius or Saggitarius. Both Gemini men and women have a tendency to make simple things more complex if they are in a bad mood or having a bad day. Yes, a Gemini woman can be extremely faithful once they find the partner who is as open to fun and adventure as herself and a match for her intellect. All in all, they make pleasurable and understanding partners if you can match their wavelength and intellect. Common Gemini woman traits include expressiveness, charm, and curiosity. However, you must be careful when dealing with Gemini women’s indecisiveness and mood swings. They take time to commit, but if you are someone who can appeal to the sapiosexual in them, they will light up your world, in the bedroom as well as outside. There is never a dull moment when dating them. You are a Gemini if you were born between May 22nd through June 21st. Gemini women are the most exciting and vibrant partners. They are charming, witty, and extremely intelligent. Gemini women’s traits scream boss material. The more you talk, the more you will realize that their sexual fantasies are a class apart and so are their demands in bed. Personality Traits of the Gemini Woman Dynamic & Adaptable Nature Intellectual & Sharp Mind Loyal & Trustworthy Friend Independent & Self-Reliant. Drawbacks: Clingy, complacent, and dominant in nature. In a nutshell, Gemini Ascendant represents: Strengths: Thoroughness, sophistication, and observance. They believe that communication is essential and speak more frequently than others. In short, Gemini women do have kinks that they would like to explore with their partner. The Gemini Rising or Mithuna Lagna have quick thinking and a highly active intellect. This sign covers different facets of humanity: intelligence, adaptability, and excellent communicative abilities. Gemini are curious about everything and loves to be part of the action. She is dedicated to trying everything that will spice up your sex life. Gemini traits include adaptable, ambitious, articulate, inquisitive, kind, thoughtful, open-minded and have strong leadership qualities. Her adventurous nature will often make her want to experience new things with you, making your relationship more thrilling than ever. Similar to her real life, a Gemini woman likes to take the lead in the bedroom as well. She Is a Social Butterfly A Gemini woman is a social butterfly who always has plans.

Given that Gemini women are outspoken and bold, they won’t be shy when it comes to talking about their sexual fantasies with their partner. Meanwhile, the female sex may be more in touch with her emotions and can be more nurturing.

A Gemini man is an air sign, which means he’s a thinker and tends to be more detached emotionally. However, they can also be very inconsistent if they get bored in a relationship, and it might affect their relationship compatibility. When it comes to the compatability of two geminis, it’s important to know that they are two very different types of people. They like to open up to be flirtatious and have intense discussions with their partner. So, be ready for a lot of surprises like a nature hike, water park, or an impromptu long drive. For her also, sexuality is a curiosity to be satisfied so she will look for variety in every sense. If she feels too restrained, she will be able to invent a thousand excuses to get rid of a situation that she considers suffocating. They are extremely charming and romantic while also being adventurous and doing cute things for their partner. Gemini woman hates jealous, possessive and overprotective partner. They do not hide their feelings about their relationship once they fall for someone. When in love, Gemini women tend to wear their hearts on their sleeves. Though she likes to take her time settling down in a relationship, once she does, she will make you feel on top of the world. If you are well-read and can hold a decent conversation with her, chances are she will automatically feel attracted to you. upcomingregionalsection.cms?parentid=61017241&genere=*:* /upcomingregionalsection.Sapiosexual (a person who finds intelligence sexually attractive or arousing) is the most ideal way to describe a Gemini woman.