However, data gathering and lead generation can take time, while sorting and organizing said data is even more laborious. Passively expecting your prospects to supply you with quality data without any work from your side stopped being a viable tactic a long time ago. You can be sure this automated sales assistant will engage with leads at their convenience, not yours, which can make or break a deal.Ī modern sales team lives or dies on the quality of the data it receives. The problem is, your prospects often visit your site outside office hours if you’re waiting until the next day to engage them, you may lose them to someone quicker and more responsive.Ī chatbot is the perfect always-on lead engagement tool. Salespeople are traditionally one of the hardest working groups of people out there, but even they need to rest. Not only is this workflow superior for your team, it helps your business provide an enhanced customer experience. Your sales team will then be able to contact the customer armed with this key knowledge, saving time for both parties – they could even have some potential options prepared before the initial call. For instance, if you’re selling property you can set your bot up to get location, price range, property type and contact details from website visitors. Think of your chatbot as an information gathering employee who never sleeps or rests. Thanks to your chatbot, sales team members will then receive pre-qualified leads that match the ideal customer profile, thus are much more likely to enter the sales funnel and convert.
#Customer support ai chatbot service for websites series
Set up a series of predefined, simple qualifier questions on your chatbot that prospects can answer in real time. No salesperson likes spending time qualifying leads from a massive list, especially if they have very little structured information. Here are a few of the main advantages to be gained.

Sales teams can reap huge benefits from the smart deployment of a chatbot, especially in regards to saving time and qualifying leads.

The expectation (well, perhaps more of a hope) was that the customer would voluntarily supply you with their information.Ī chatbot has the functionality to make your website an active selling tool instead, starting conversations, answering questions and generally engaging prospects while they have a high level of interest. The website has become a primary sales tool for many organizations, but until the advent of the chatbot, it was a mostly passive form of selling. It wasn’t long before salespeople saw the potential in using a chatbot platform to increase engagement, automate lead scoring and assignment, and save salespeople valuable admin time. They also worked as a frontline support qualification tool, making it easy to sort new support tickets with a few questions before a human agent would step in. The use of chatbots has its origins in customer support, where busy teams found that some frequent or common issues could easily be dealt with without the need for human intervention. What you need is an automated tool that starts conversations with prospects while they’re visiting your website, gives them the information they need and asks relevant questions that help qualify them for your sales team.Ī chatbot or sales bot is a program that uses text, and occasionally voice, to conduct conversations in a friendly, human-like manner. The technology that was supposed to save you time, improve your sales process and increase your conversion rate is just another time suck. It takes valuable sales time to sort through leads, weeding out the irrelevant ones and then scoring them before passing on to one of your sales team.

However, you’re not getting the number of leads you expected, and the ones you are getting don’t always have the information your sales reps need to progress. You’ve built the perfect website for your business and set up contact forms to make sure visitors who are interested in your product can submit their contact details, enabling your sales team to follow up.