You can’t do scav runs on labs so all the extractions are PMC only. ⦁ Sewer Manhole: Always open, requires that you aren’t wearing a backpack. ⦁ Scavs Lands: Always open, but requires both a PMC and a scav to extract at the same time. ⦁ Bunker Hermetic Door: This extraction needs to be manually activated elsewhere before it can be used, and its only good for four minutes after activating.

It honks twice when it arrives, and honks once one minute before taking off. ⦁ Armored Train: Single-use, the train arrives sometime between 25 and 35 minutes into the raid, and stays for 7 minutes. ⦁ Hole In The Fence By The Mountains: Always open The Paracord for this doesn’t need to be in a bag or backpack, keeping it in your secure container is good enough. ⦁ Cliff Descent: Always open, but you need to have a Red Rebel Ice Pick in your melee slot and Paracord in your inventory, as well as not having an armored vest on. ⦁ ZB-014: Green flares when open, but still requires the ZB-014 Key Reserve Extraction Points ⦁ South V-Ex: single-use, 3k Roubles per player and a max of 4 players ⦁ RUAF Roadblock: Greenflares when it’s open ⦁ Factory Gate: always open, but requires both a scav and a PMC to extract at the same time. ⦁ Ruined Road: Always open, and adjacent to the “tunnel” PMC extraction. ⦁ Tunnel: Always open, this is adjacent to the scav “ruined road” Extraction, be careful ⦁ Rock Passage: Green flares when it is open ⦁ CCP Temporary: Searchlight on when open ⦁ Scav Camp: always available, but requires both a Scav and a PMC to extract at the same time. ⦁ Railway Exfil: Always available, also referred to as the North-West exit ⦁ Emercom Checkpoint: always available, also referred to as the South-East exit The power station switch needs to be on, then you must flush the toilet in Burger Spot, and use the Object 11SR Keycard. ⦁ Saferoom Exfil: Always available, but single-use. ⦁ Power Station: Single-Use and costs 3k Roubles per player, fitting a max of 4 players ⦁ Hole in Fence: Always open but requires you not to have a backpack equipped ⦁ RUAF Roadblock: open if the spotlight is on Factory Extraction Pointsįactory is a small map with few extractions, Gate 3 is almost guaranteed to be available but especially as a Scav you should double-check if you have Office Window or not. ⦁ Old Gas Station: will have a green flare in the parking lot if open ⦁ Trailer Park Workers’ Shack: Always open ⦁ Dorms V-Ex: Single-use, requires 7K Roubles per player and fits up to 4 players ⦁ Smuggler’s Boat: Campfire will be lit if open